Sunday, 29 May 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi Pre-Vestibular Course provides preparation for vestibular


59 students, who are enrolled on Prati-Donaduzzi Pre-Vestibular Course, participated in the first meeting on May, 27th. Director Carmen Donaduzzi welcomed everybody and talked about the importance of studying. “You are taking a step that is to get into university, but we always have to study because the challenges are big and the best places are reserved to those ones who study harder”, she emphasizes.
Carmen warned about the necessary dedication in the period before the vestibular. “From now on, do your best, taking the course is a choice and you are here to pass the vestibular, that´s why you must study hard. I will follow you and I want to see everybody´s success”, she adds.
The employee Margarete Gubert, Centralpack Embalagens receptionist, finished High School in 2003 and now is back to school, because she intends to take vestibular to Law at Unioeste in Marechar Cândido Rondon, or Bunisses at Unioeste in Cascavel. “This opportunity Prati offers to its employees is very good, it is not everywhere you can find that and I think everybody should take this opportunity. Personally, I have never had many opportunities in life, so I can honestly say that I am grateful to the company and its employees for this chance I have now”, she says.
For Luana Gracieley Cardoso da Silva, employee of Sales Department, this is the opportunity of returning to the university, but now in Psychology  Course. “The employee, who gives his/her best to the company, is appreciated and gets chances for growth in the company, and this course is an example of this. It will take six months of effort, but I know I will get good results at   the end”, she reports.

The classes take place in the company from Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 10:30p.m, and during six months the students will study Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology 50 hours each, Portuguese Language (40 hours), Essay (35 hours), Literature (30 hours), Philosophy, History, Geography and Sociology 34 hours each. In all, the total course load is 441 hours/class.


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