Monday, 30 May 2016 21:00

Regional Innovation System carries out a meeting at Prati_Donaduzzi for Workshop settings


Prati-Donaduzzi Pharmaceutical Industry hosted on this Tuesday (31st) a meeting of strategic planning for Regional Innovation System Workshop (RIS), which will take place on June 17th, in Cascavel. On the occasion, RIS members will discuss the event guidelines and programming.
According to the manager of Territorial Development of Itaipu Technological Park Foundation, Jonhey Lucizani, within the West Programme in Development, there is an axis of actions devoted to research and development, which called for RIS creation in order to potentialize  innovation. “By these means, we noticed possible results in laws creation, to improve the relationship between the university and the company, as in the West region there are companies which are offerers of technology and also require innovation for competitiviness improvement. It is the first event we will carry out so that, in the future, we can have an integrate Regional Innovation System”, he emphasizes.
Prati-Donaduzzi´s financial director, Antônio Torquato, highlighted the importance for the company to participate in RIS and help the development of the West of Paraná. “The union of companies, universities and entities create an environment of innovation and development for our region. This is an opportunity for Prati to show its potential for everybody”, he says.
According to SEBRAE consultant, Augusto Cesar Stein, a part of the business universe consists of micro and small companies which have difficulties of innovating. “Many companies innovate in processes or even by their owners´ posture, but micro and small ones have difficulties of innovating in a systematic way, usually due to the fact that it is a high cost”, he highlights.
The Workshop will take place on June 17th, at SEBRAE Cascavel, from 8:30am to 5:00pm, and it will be a proper moment to gather new partners to Regional Innovation System.

Regional Innovation System
RIS was created by West Programme in Development in order to discuss innovation potentialization strategies in the West of Parana. The group consists of Prati-Donaduzzi, Unioeste, Frimesa, APL-TI, and UTFPR campus of Santa Helena and Medianeira. It aims to strengthen and potentialize the cooperation among productive, public, research and society sector with a view to regional innovation

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