Monday, 23 May 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi Safe Pregancy Program has more than 70 pregnant women


Prati-Donaduzzi began on Wednesday (18th) the activities of Safe Pregancy Program, which is a project aimed to pregnant employees and company´s employees´wives. More than 70 pregnant women took part in the project, which annually assists more than 120 pregnant women. In the opening, Director Carmen Donaduzzi talked about her experience as a mother and the participants of SerMúsica Solo Project sang for the pregnant women.
Developed by Prati-Donaduzzi Social Responsibility Department, the program aims to guide the mothers and fathers about the maternity and in relation to the baby. During the meetings, the following topics are worked: Psychological Aspects and emotional alterations during pregnancy; breastfeeding; Benefits of physiotherapy and postpartum; Birth and postpartum; More about the Rights of pregnant women on SUS (National Health Service); pregnant woman and baby oral health; relaxation techniques for babies – shantala; nutritional guidance for the pregnant woman and the baby; care about the new-born baby; Rights of the pregnant woman at work; techniques of first aid for nursing women and infants and the right use of medicine during pregnancy. The closure of activities of the first group is supposed to be on June 29th.
According to the supervisor of Prati-Donaduzzi Social Responsibility, Maria Rita Pozzebon, Safe Pregnancy was the first program in this area developed in the company 10 years ago. “I am really proud of developing this program that contributes for the pregnant woman safety in this period when the emotions are more intensified. We hope they can enjoy the course to know and change experiences”, she points out.

First time mothers
The employee Vanessa Aranega Pires is expecting twins and is at the 15th week of pregnancy. “I have been working at Prati for more than 8 years and some time ago I was imagining when it would be my turn to participate in the program. Being with other future mothers produced to me a mix of emotions that brought tears of joy, in addition to victory feelings, because for me to be there at that moment, it was a dream that was coming true, something I was waiting for about two years: the miracle of maternity”, she says.
For Vanessa, the Safe Pregnancy is a moment of interaction with other pregnant women into the workplace and the change of experiences with each other is very relevant in this phase of anxiety and so many doubts. “This is a unique, special and indescribable moment. Being able to count on the support of the program in our own company is very important so that we can become stronger and more secure about the next coming phases. On behalf of all the future mothers of Prati, I thank all the chosen professionals  who will give us valuable tips, in addition to the support on this special phase of our lives”, she ends.
Fabiane Dallo is anxious for the arrival of her first child: Alana Luisa Caio. At the 31st week of pregnancy, the employee considers her participation in the program as essential in this life phase. “Safe Pregnancy course offers awareness of the pregnancy period and care about the baby. It is a lovely way of taking care of the employees during this magic period called pregnancy. This action of the company makes me feel more proud and satisfied with being at Prati for 13 years”, she evaluates.

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