Tuesday, 17 May 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi and Toledo Volleyball team perform the lauching of Mais Você Social Project Centers


By aiming to spread volleyball to the furthest neighborhoods in Toledo, Prati-Donaduzzi and Toledo City Hall Volleyball Team/Prati-Donaduzzi/Avotol performed the lauching of Mais Você Social Project Centers on Tuesday (17th).
The project will take place at Lauri Simon Sports Hall on Jardim Panorama and at Senador Atílio Fontana State High School (CESAF) on Vila Pioneiro, and it aims to promote volleyball and democratize the sport, by providing health quality and high pedagogical capacity for children and teenagers.
Through Mais Volei Social Project, 65 students will be assisted (30 participants at Lauri Simon Sports Hall and 35 at CESAF). “Toledo City Hall aims to decentralize the sport and take it to other neighborhoods of the city, because it is our greatest achievement to see an athlete training. Those children and teenagers who are starting in the project will be able to become future athletes of Brazilian Team, just as we have nowadays those ones who left Toledo Volleyball youth team and were called up to make part in Brazilian Team”, Coach Marcos Assunção (responsible for Mais Você Social Project Centers) emphasizes.
According to Prati-Donaduzzi event analyst, Franciele Felin, it is an honor for the company to support a project which has social objective and brings benefits to Toledo community. “It is satisfactory for us to be partners of such an important project, which has brought excellent results. Many of those who are training in the centers may be called up to make part in Brazilian Team in the future”, she says.
According to Toledo Sports and Leisure secretary, Franz Menegasso, the partnership with companies in the city helps to promote the sport. “We thank Prati-Donaduzzi for recognizing the work we are performing with volleyball. For sure, these types of partnerships help to disclose the project”, he highlights.
The project is developed by Toledo City Hall Sports and Leisure Secretary, supported by Avotol and Prati-Donaduzzi, through Sports Incentive Law.

Children and teenagers from 9 to 17 years old who are interested in participating in Mais Vôlei Social Project can register at Lauri Simon Sports Hall on Jardim Panorama and at Senador Atílio Fontana State High School (CESAF). At Lauri Simon, the trainings take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 to 3:30p.m, and at CESAF from 5:30 to 7:00p.m. For more information, contact Toledo Sports and Leisure Secretary at (45)3378-5753.

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