Monday, 11 April 2016 21:00

Luiz and Carmen Donaduzzi, from Prati-Donaduzzi, have been honored by the Community Council


Prati-Donaduzzi´s founding partners, Luiz and Carmen Donaduzzi, were honored by Toledo Community Council on Friday (08th) for the development of Restart Program, which is carried out with female prisoners at Toledo 20th Police Station (SDP). The recognition plate was given to the couple of pharmacists during the 1st Seminar of Studies about APAC Method - Association of Protection and Assistance to the Sentenced People, Volunteer Training, in Toledo City.
Restart Program began in 2010 and assists about 35 female prisoners a year, by aiming to provide improvement on those women´s life quality and health, as well as raising on them the desire for professional training and qualification. There were 776 training hours, courses and activities, such as motivational lectures about work market, family planning, health and self-esteem, in addition to workshops which allowed professional task learning, woman´s beauty and information technology. Among the results which were achieved through the program, it can be pointed out greater integration among the prisoners, strengthening of family tie, reduction of recidivism and internal conflicts, search for professional qualification and the desire of changing. "The results, we have achieved up to now, are fantastic and more and more we are taken by surprise about the evolution of each woman that takes part in the Program", Carmen Donaduzzi emphasizes.
All the program actions are carried out by professionals from the Social Responsibility Department of Prati-Donaduzzi. "We proceed from the belief that we got the best results when investing our time and knowledge to help on education and improvement of people. I thank the Judicial Power for also believing in this idea and allowing the Restart Program implementation. We are a company that encourages the innovation, especially when there is relevance in the society", Carmen concludes.
For Luiz Donaduzzi, the social assistant Maria Rita truly deserves the honor. "This honor goes to Maria Rita, it was her who worked tirelessly these years and brought these fantastic results. Carmen and me just supported this initiative", he says.
According to the responsible for Prati-Donaduzzi´s Social Responsibility Department, Maria Rita Pozzebon, during the six years of the program, it has been noticed a meaningful improvement on each prisoner´s life. "We work their self-esteem and motivation and we also prepare them to reintegrate into society and work market. Receiving this honor shows that Prati is on the right way", she emphasizes.
The Restart Program counts on the partnership of 20th SDP, Toledo Forum and Community Council.

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