Tuesday, 29 March 2016 21:00

Toledo Volleyball: Athletes dessiminate the project at Prati-Donaduzzi

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The athletes Gustavo Henz, Rauan Schumacher Ritzel, Júlia Isabele Bergmann and Tainá Anschau from Toledo City Hall/Prati-Donaduzzi/Avotol Volleyball team, were at Prati-Donaduzzi on Wednesday (30th). On that day, the team dessiminated to the employees the project which has the pharmaceutical industry support, through the Sports Incentive Law of  Ministry of Sports /Federal Government.

The four athletes were called to take part in the Paranaense Volleyball Team in 2015 and 2016. Each one of them has on their sports curriculum important conquests in regional, state and national championships.

According to the Coach André Van de Sand, it is an honor to announce the project to Prati-Donaduzzi´s employees. "They are Toledo´s athletes who started in our youth school and nowadays they are mirror to children who are starting in the modality. Currently, volley is a potency in the State and we thank Prati-Donaduzzi for the partnership in this project", he emphasizes. Acording to the Coach Marcos Assunção, it is a great conquest for the modality to have as a partner a company like Prati-Donaduzzi. "It is a company that invests on sport and focuses on health and well-being of people, and volley also had this aim. I wish this partnership can continue for many years", he points out.

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