Wednesday, 09 March 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi and Unioeste carry out the master lecture of Industrial Pharmacy Residence Program


Prati-Donaduzzi and State University of the West of Paraná (Unioeste), Toledo Campus, started the activities of Industrial Pharmacy Residence Program this month, which is an innovative project in Brazil. On Monday (7th) a master lecture was carried out inside the Pharmaceutical Industry and, on that occasion, the 5 selected pharmacists who will take part in the program were introduced.
According to Unioeste´s rector, Professor Paulo Sérgio Wolff, the partnership with Prati-Donaduzzi is important for the development of Toledo and the West region of Paraná. "Unioeste is the first institution of the State to keep a partnership with a private initiative for the development of the unique program of Pharmaceutical Residence. The five selected ones are brilliant minds and will be able to make this project into national excellence", he emphasizes.
The master lecture had the participation of the Science, Technology and High School State Secretary, João Carlos Gomes. "It is an audacious project of Prati-Donaduzzi in partnership with Unioeste and we can find here quality, competence and the will to make it work. I would like to see in our country initiatives like this one that Prati-Donaduzzi is providing the residents, a unique opportunity to make part of a history", he highlights.
The theoretical activities of the program will happen at Unioeste and the theoretical-practical will be made at the pharmaceutical industry. Prati-Donaduzzi Directors Board Chairman, Luiz Donaduzzi, says that the Program will enable the graduation of qualified professionals in industrial pharmacy. "For us, the human being growth is essential and the best way of creating new ideas is by developing the people. The students will spend 2 years studying and working so that they can advance in research, development and innovation at the end of this period", he says.

Emeline Maria Baller was one of the selected ones to participate of Pharmaceutical Residence Program. The young woman graduated last year in Pharmacy Course by Ponta Grossa State University (UEPG) and she already faces the challenge of participating in the project. "I had already heard about Prati-Donaduzzi because I made my internship here and I don´t know about other companies which guide young people to work on industrial area  as Prati does. I,  personally, identify myself a lot with this area and having the opportunity of participating in this innovative program in Brazil is an amazing experience", she says.
Yet, Weslley Rodrigo Menegheti is graduated in Industrial Pharmacy by Maringá State University (UEM) and he has experience in pharmaceutical industry. "I think Prati-Donaduzzi´s initiative of developing the program in partnership with a well-known educational institution is essential. This is the opportunity we have to make part of the history of the first group of industrial pharmacy residence program", he justifies.
In addition to Emeline and Weslley, the other residents to take part in the program are Monalisa Moreira Queiroga, Paula Thais Gozzi and Analina Beserra Martins.

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