Thursday, 25 February 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi delivers school materials which were collected in the campaign to Casa de Maria


The solidarity of Prati-Donaduzzi´s employees and Toledo´s community resulted in the collection of several notebooks, pencils, pencil cases, erasers, pencil sharpeners, backpacks, which were in good condition. The school materials, which were collected in the campaign, were delivered to Casa de Maria Entity on Thursday (25th) morning, which assists about 400 children and teenagers from 6 to 16 years old.
 According to the event analyst, Franciele Felin, the employees and Toledo´s community joined the campaign and contributed with several school itens. "We thank everybody for the effort and contribution. Such materials will make the fun of many children and teenagers and, for us, seeing their smiles and welcoming them is very rewarding. The campaign was a success and we got really happy about the result", she highlights.
The general manager of Casa de Maria, Maria Inês Mânica, emphasizes that the campaign developed by Prati-Donaduzzi was important at this time of the year, in which many parents have no financial conditions to buy school materials. "It is a real pleasure to receive these materials, today is a party day, because these people joined together in behalf of these children and teenagers. We wish other companies as these ones can appear. We thank Prati-Donaduzzi´s employees, the directory, the community, finally everybody who helped", she points out.
The collection campaign started on February 12th and had the partnership of Incomar, Intentus, Funet and La Salle School, where there were school material collection points. The coordinator of Incomar School Pastoral, Sister Vanusa, emphasizes that the partnership with Prati-Donaduzzi was essential so that the campaign could be a success. "This action is very important. The parents joined this project very easily and contributed with several materials which will help hundreds of children", she justifies.

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