Monday, 22 February 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi begins the activities of 2016 Young Apprentice Program

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A hundred thirty-nine young people from 18 to 22 years old integrate the 2016 Young Apprentice Program at Prati-Donaduzzi. At the first days, the selected ones will take part in the General Integration Program (PGI) and classes about Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Now the young people have already been directed to the departments they will work during the program accomplishment. The future psychologist Andressa Aline Bertolla, 19 years old, will perform on the administrative area of Non-Compliance Central, but she has the ambition to grow in the company and reach the Human Resources Department. "Very good the iniciative of the company to offer this opportunity for who does not have experience and is starting at the work market" she points out.
Yet, Thiago Henrique Mendes, 19 years old, is on the last year of High School and he saw an opportunity of developing. "It is an opportunity for us, young people, to grow and be in the company for a long time", emphasized the young man who will work on the Fractioning Department of the pharmaceutical industry.
According to the coordinator of the Young Apprentice Program of Prati-Donaduzzi, Elisa Rettore, the program aims to develop the participants so that, in the future, they can be hired as Prati´s employees and be prepared to work in other companies as well. "We aim to bring these talents and follow them either personally or professionally, by enabling their entrance at the work market", she highlights.
The program theoretical activities occur in partnership of National Industrial Learning  Service (SENAI) in Toledo and the practical activities are hold on manufacturing/administrative department of Prati-Donaduzzi. By having a contract from one year to one year and a half, the students/employees reconcile the working hours and the course at Senai. This year, the young people participate of the following courses: administrative assistant and/or chemical process operator.
"We also aim to match theory with practice, which is the main method of developing these professionals. In the classroom, they learn the industrial and administrative processes and on counter-shift they are in the company putting what they had learned into practice", she concludes.

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