Tuesday, 12 January 2016 21:00

First Residency in Industrial Pharmacy in Brazil offers innovative graduation


For the first time in Brazil, the Pharmaceutical Residency Program in Industrial Pharmacy is a public-private partnership, coordinated by the State University in the West of Paraná (Unioeste) along with Prati-Donaduzzi Pharmaceutical Industry, located in Toledo (PR) and it will offer the residency modality to professionals graduated in Pharmacy.
The Program consists of a post-graduation course in the form of Lato sensu course and it is characterized by service training. According to the principal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Science Center and coordinator of Unioeste Pharmacy Course, Nereida Mello da Rosa Gioppo, the residency was developed to enrich and strengthen the pharmaceutical science area. “We count on Prati-Donaduzzi´s support, which opened the doors for the students specialization, enabling the execution of research projects. This program has a great scientific and social impact for the regional and national academic community”, she emphasizes.
The creation of a Residency Course in Industrial Pharmacy, where the university starts to act along with the Industry on the graduation of knowledge-generating people, promotes the construction of an educational model and a planning of actions which will potentialize the graduation of qualified professionals for strategic and assertive performance by making the west region of Paraná into Scientific, Technological and Social Development Center.
For the president-director of Prati-Donaduzzi, Eder Fernando Maffissoni, the initiative reinforces the position of the company to support the education, scientific production and innovation. “Prati-Donaduzzi strongly believes in research, development and innovation (RD&I). We value partnerships which are beneficial to population health and characterize innovative practices for processes, services and especially for the development of knowledge-generating people” he points out.
The educational model of Industrial Pharmacy Residency includes the student insertion in the industry, during the course, enabling the sedimentation of knowledge and contributing for the development focused on his/her skills and competences.
Maffissoni highlights the necessity of graduating professionals who are aligned with the needs of pharmaceutical market. “During two years, the participants will be qualified through the theoretical skills provided by Unioeste and the practical experience at Prati-Donaduzzi. Thus, we will train professionals who will certainly contribute to innovative processes in favor of the population health”, Eder says.

At the beginning, five vacancies on the modality of continued offer will be opened, all of them will be contemplated with remunerated scholarship. The Program will be held in two years and 60 hours  /week, in which 48 hours are of practical training at Prati-Donaduzzi facilities, one of the most modern industries in the country, such as Manufacturing, Research, Development and Innovation and Quality Control departments, and 12 hours of theoretical classes.
The Program is opened to professionals graduated in Pharmacy all around the country and the registration period is from 5:00pm on January 08th 2016 to 5:00pm on January 29th 2016. To visit the edital and apply for the Public Selection, the interested people must access the following site http://www.inioeste.br/residencias. The registration fee is R$200,00 and it must be paid until January 29th 2016, exclusively at Caixa Econômica Agencies or at the Lottery Agencies.
The resident starting in Industrial Pharmacy is a qualified professional, with higher education academic preparation, who has a high level of skills not only for research and development of formulations, drugs manufacturing, performance on quality control and assurance, but mainly for the management of different tasks in industrial scope of drug productive chain. The project management tasks, which will be carried out during the course, assure to this professional the necessary skills to manage the development and implantation of innovative ideas by contributing to the pharmaceutical business sustainability where he/she is placed professionally.

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