Wednesday, 27 January 2016 21:00

Students take part in Prati-Donaduzzi Internship Program

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Fifty students take part in the 2016 edition of Prati-Donaduzzi Internship Program, which aims to qualify and graduate professionals who have knowledge in pharmaceutical industry. The interns group consists of students who are enrolled on the last year of university, of which there are students from universities of Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Minas Gerais, who are studying Pharmacy, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Material Engineering or Bioprocesses and Biotechnological Engineering.

The Vacation Internship is held for a month and the students have Good Manufacturing Practices training (GMP), productive process in pharmaceutical industry, behavior management, teamwork, career perspective, among other issues which are approached during the classes. The internship also includes the practical phase through job rotation, which enables the learning in several departments of the company.

According to the responsible person for the Internship Program, Denize Polla, the project is one of the innovative initiatives of Prati-Donaduzzi. “They are talents who we bring from universities and provide professional qualification in pharmaceutical industry, with technical classes that are related to human development, in addition to the contact with practical tasks in several departments of the company”, she explains.

The Pharmacy student from Pontifical Catholic University (PUC), Toledo Campus, Bruna Ricci Falcão, takes part in the program for the first time. “I have already had contact with the industry through projects which are developed by itself, but taking part in the internship is an incredible experience. It is one of the unique companies that offers us the opportunity of developing, even because I intend to direct my career for industrial pharmacy, because I am delighted at drug development department”, she says. Nadine Lysyk Funk, Pharmacy student from Santa Maria Federal University (UFSM), believes that the internship helps a lot for the department she chose to follow. “I want to make a career in industrial pharmacy department, especially in Research and Development, in which I have identified myself most”, she highlights.

On the other hand, the Pharmacy student Gabriela Soares from Ouro Preto Federal University in Minas Gerais, defines the internship program in a unique word: challenge. “This internship is living up my expectations, because I thought I would just learn about the company universe. However, we had classes of people management, professional profile identification, a more complete schedule. I have also been impressed with the size and technology employed at Prati-Donaduzzi” she emphasizes.

The internship program finishes on February 05th, by having the final project presentation of the interns.

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