Wednesday, 16 December 2015 21:00

Prati and Fasul open registrations for 2016 Digital Inclusion Program

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Prati-Donaduzzi and Sul Brasil University (Fasul) promote until February 29th the registrations for PID - Digital Inclusion and Professional Initiation Program - carried out through the partnership made between the pharmaceutical industry and the educational institution. The program aims to prepare teenagers and young people from 14 to 24 years old from Toledo and region for professional initiation.
The course is free of charge, has the duration of 140 hours/class and comprises the following subjects: Portuguese, Mathematics, Ethics, Family Budget/Financial Guidance, Citizenship/Sustainability, General Regulations and Rules in the workplace - CLT (Brazilian Labor Regulations), Behavioural Competences, Personal Marketing, Digital Inclusion (Word, Excel, Power Point and Internet), among others. The classes begin on March 14th 2016.
According to the responsible for the Social Responsibility Department, Maria Rita Pozzebon, the expectancy for 2016 is that more teenagers and young people can join PID project. "We are aware that currently the professional initiation market is more and more demanding and we aim to offer to the participants the opportunity of developing and being ethical and committed citizens, and above all, the opportunity of succeeding in their chosen career", she explains.
Prati/Fasul PID is a Prati-Donaduzzi social responsibility program and it has already assisted more than 800 teenagers and young people in 5 years of project.

The registrations occur until February 29th and might be made by the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by sending the following documentations: ID, CPF, birth or marriage certificate and a proof of address. For more information, contact 55 (45)2103-1041 or 2103-1200.


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