Sunday, 22 November 2015 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi and UTFPR hold workshop on Biotechnology

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With the theme “Biotecnologia: a ciência do futuro” (Biotechnology: the science of the future), Prati-Donaduzzi and the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR - Toledo Campus) held a workshop on Friday (20th) aimed at teachers, researchers, undergraduates, graduates and industry professionals related to life sciences. About 150 people attended the event, which was intended to present and discuss the technological advances applied to health and integrate different areas of biotechnology with educational institutions and companies in the region.

The opening of the workshop was in charge of director of Prati-Donaduzzi, Dr. Carmen Donaduzzi, who told participants the history of the pharmaceutical company in Toledo and the importance of sharing knowledge. “If people have the opportunity to study, work, grow and share a little of what they have learned with others, I believe that our mission is accomplished”, she said.

The event was attended by renowned professionals who presented experiences and results achieved through the use of biotechnology. A highlight of the workshop was the researcher and president of the Araucária Foundation, Dr. Paulo Brofman, who conducted the lecture “Novos e eficientes tratamentos na área da saúde” (New and effective treatments in health area). “This initiative brings to the academic community of Toledo and surroundings the new researches, the path that they can follow in biotechnology and the impact it brings to society. Biotechnology is part of the evolution of the world, but always aiming at bringing welfare to the population so that people live longer with quality of life”, he explains.

Dyeison Antonow, professor of the medical school and head of the Cancer Research Center of PUCRS, conducted the lecture “Utilização de anticorpos no desenvolvimento de medicamentos contra o câncer” (Using antibodies in the development of cancer drugs). “Over the past 30 years, the global scientific community has hugely increased, through research, the survival of patients with various types of cancers. This is the most ethical and responsible way to understand the disease and develop new drugs and diagnostics”, he says.

On the other hand, the adviser of regulatory affairs in Hemobrás, Laura Castanheira, conducted the lecture “Aspectos regulatórios para medicamentos biológicos” (Regulatory aspects of biological medicines). “Brazil is taking the first steps in biotechnology and we are in need of trained professionals and even the exchange of information and interaction between industry and academia is weak. It is very important that all members are brought together to address this issue and define the right strategy, as this leads to provide a product to the market in a faster, more economical way and also following all the parameters of quality, effectiveness and safety”, she says.

Professor Dr. Eduardo Bittencourt Sydney, UTFPR - Toledo Campus, conducted the lecture “Introdução à Biotecnologia” (Introduction to Biotechnology) and Dr. Alessandra Cristine Novack Sydney, also from UTFPR, conducted the lecture “Processos biotecnológicos em cosmetologia” (Biotechnological processes in cosmetology).


Alexander Miranda, employee of Prati-Donaduzzi working in Research, Development and Innovation area, evaluates positively the company's initiative to hold the workshop. “The technological processes are of great importance worldwide and after promoting this meeting Prati gets closer to the society, humanizes the processes and values ​​the region in which it operates. We started with high-quality speakers and feel the need for knowledge in biotechnology to meet the needs of everyday life of the population”.

According to the project manager of Prati-Donaduzzi and organizer of the workshop, Rubia Porsch, the goal of the action is to foster a cultural map aimed at the scientific development in the West region of Paraná State. “We believe this workshop is an incentive to study and researches in the field of biotechnology. The environment of interaction among the academic community, renowned professionals and private companies consolidated the biotechnology growth trend in our region”, she says.

Rubia also informed the plans to hold a new event. “It was the first experience and I can say that the main theme of the next event is entrepreneurship”, she reports.

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