Tuesday, 17 November 2015 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi hosts pioneering event in biotechnology


Prati-Donaduzzi pharmaceutical company and the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR - Toledo Campus) will hold on November 20th the workshop “Biotecnologia: a ciência do futuro” (Biotechnology: the science of the future). The event is aimed at teachers, researchers, undergraduates, graduates and industry professionals related to life sciences.

The workshop is intended to present and discuss the technological advances applied to health and integrate different areas of biotechnology with educational institutions and companies in the region. According to the project manager of Prati-Donaduzzi and one of the organizers of the event, Rubia Porsch, it is an innovative event. “The aim is to encourage and promote regional development through lectures and also the interaction of all participants”, she says.

The program includes renowned professionals who will present experiences and results achieved through the use of biotechnology. “We hope to raise interest for studies and researches in the area because we believe that the West region, due to the amount of industries and universities, is very promising”, Rubia explains.

The meeting takes place in Prati-Donaduzzi headquarters, opening at 8 am, and will be conducted by the director of the company, Dr. Carmen Donaduzzi. In the morning, the lectures “Introdução à Biotecnologia” (Introduction to Biotechnology), conducted by Professor Dr. Eduardo Bittencourt Sydney (UTFPR - Toledo Campus) and “Células tronco em tratamento para diabéticos” (Stem cells in the treatment of diabetic people) conducted by the researcher and president of the Araucária Foundation, Dr. Paul Brofman, take place. Dyeison Antonow, professor of the medical school of PUCRS and head of the Cancer Research Center, will also participate conducting the lecture “Utilização de anticorpos no desenvolvimento de medicamentos contra o câncer” (Using antibodies in the development of cancer drugs). The adviser of regulatory affairs in Hemobrás, Laura Castanheira, will conduct the lecture “Aspectos regulatórios para medicamentos biológicos” (Regulatory aspects of biological medicines). The lecture “Processos biotecnológicos em cosmetologia” (Biotechnological processes in cosmetology), conducted by Dr. Alessandra Cristine Novack Sydney (UTFPR - Toledo Campus) ends the program.

Read 3901 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 07:40