Monday, 26 October 2020 09:12

Culture of work safety advances at Prati-Donaduzzi Group

Segurança do Trabalho. Prati-Donaduzzi. Foto Jéssica Dona (2).jpg

Safety guidelines are part of the company's culture. Photo: Jéssica Dona.

A safe workplace is the guarantee for employees to carry out their activities smoothly. At Prati-Donaduzzi Group, allowing a healthy environment is more than a company policy, it highlights the strong culture of caring for people's health and well-being.

To strengthen this commitment, the internal security policy advances in actions and strategies so that employees have access to information and adopt risk-preventive behaviors. Among the main subjects covered are: the attention to safe conduct and operational and administrative activities, ergonomics, use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), compliance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), among others.

For the manager of the Specialized Service in Occupational Safety Engineering, Julio Capacle, the results are statistically noticeable over time. “We have had this policy in place for six years and we have drastically reduced our frequency, severity and accident rates. The most significant result is the number of lost days, which reduced by 85%. All of our actions take place so that at the end of the day, employees can return to their families in full health conditions. ”

Segurança do Trabalho. Prati-Donaduzzi. Foto Jéssica Dona (1).jpg

Working in the Engineering area of ​​the company, Gustavo is always aware of safety guidelines. Photo: Jéssica Dona.


Actions gain strength with the structuring of care groups. Supporting this work is the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA), which since 2001 has been created with a focus on preventing accidents and illnesses arising from work. The 32 members have the main functions of inspecting areas for risk identification, warning of care for employees and guidance for co-workers.

The Emergency Brigade also plays an important role in the company's security strategy. The employees receive monthly training to work in emergency situations. The training takes place in partnership with the Mutual Assistance Plan (PAM), which works in cooperation with Toledo Fire Department. PAM was instituted in 2015 on the initiative of the Prati-Donaduzzi Group.                                                                                               

For the employee Gustavo Fischer, who works in the Engineering area, always being aware of the environment in which the activities are carried out is part of his routine. “We work all the time with electrical installations and attention needs to be in order to be safe. The guidelines we receive for the use of PPE, identification of risk areas, among others, ensure our health”, he says.

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