Monday, 16 December 2019 08:57

“Natal Emoções” Concert to attract large audience to Toledo Theater


Two sessions delighted the general public of over 1,400 people. Photo: Cido da Silva.

Memories and feelings marked Serprati Choir´s “Natal Emoções” Concert last Friday (13). Two sessions enchanted the large audience of over 1,400 people at the Municipal Theater.

The tuning, coupled with the interpretation of the 38 choir members, set the tone and mood of the time. The retired Maria Correia could not hold her tears during the concert, because one of the songs made her remember her childhood.

“Noite Feliz is a song my mother liked. She used to sing to us during Christmas”, reminds Maria.

In all, the choir presented 15 songs. Among them: “Mais uma Vez” (Renato Russo and Flávio Venturini), “Emoções” (Erasmo Carlos and Roberto Carlos), “Raridade” (Anderson Freire), but it did not stop there. The audience gave a standing ovation for an encore and the choir answered by singing “Vou Deixar” (Samuel Rosa).

“It was a wonderful and unforgettable concert. I came at the invitation of a friend and I loved it”, says the salesperson, Valdirene Barella.

The concert also featured Solos and Serprati Band. All members are employees of Prati-Donaduzzi. The pharmaceutical industry supports the project through the Rouanet Law of the Ministry of Citizenship.


This year there was a novelty, the scenic and corporal acting. Photo: Cido da Silva.


To be an artist for a day, the choir members needed rehearsal and dedication. “We have been preparing a lot throughout the year to present to the community a tuned group with a lot of dynamism and professionalism”, explains the conductor, Gerson Giese.

The efforts were successful. The tenor, Ricardo Saugo, has been a member of the Serprati Choir for two years and noticed the recognition. “Seeing the crowded theater and especially the applause at the end of the performance is something I have no words to express. It was amazing”, says Saugo.

This year, there was something new, the scenic and corporal performance of the choir directed by the experienced Reynaldo Puebla, from São Paulo. “I was impressed by the group's ease of expression, enthusiasm and especially the passion for singing. The work was intense”, says Puebla.


In all, 15 songs were presented. Photo: Cido da Silva.


In addition to promoting culture, the event also aroused community solidarity with food collection, which was destined for the following entities: West Paraná Charitable Association (HOESP) - Bom Jesus Hospital, Toledo Elderly Home and Association of Disabled Parents and Friends (APAE).  

Read 1667 times Last modified on Thursday, 26 December 2019 09:07