Sunday, 09 October 2016 21:00

Unioeste opens registration for Residency in Industrial Pharmacy 2017 in partnership with Prati-Donaduzzi

By aiming to expand the development of pharmacists in Industrial Pharmacy field, Unioeste -  the State University of West of Paraná and Prati-Donaduzzi will start next week the registration for the second group of the unprecedented Residency Program in Industrial Pharmacy 2017.
 The public-private partnership held between the institutions develops the Program, which is a type of education in post-graduate level, under lato sensu specialization form and it is characterized by in-service training. For 2017, 10 vacancies will be offered, all covered with scholarship/remunaration of R$3,330.43 and housing allowance of R$281.51.
The duration of the Program is two years and the weekly resident hours will be 60 hours, considering that 48 hours out of them will be in-service training at Prati-Donaduzzi´s facilities. During in-service training, the resident has the opportunity of taking part in job rotation system, which gives opportunity of stay periods in certain key areas of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Manufacturing, Research, Development and Innovation and Quality Control and Assurance, thus broadening the applicability of knowledge offered in 12 hours of weekly theoretical classes.
The Residency Program also includes a preceptorship, where residents are accompanied by “experts” responsible for the development of specific activities of the area of operation and also the career guidance focusing on behaviors, skills and attitudes.

Information about registration:
Date: from October 11th to November 10th 2016
Number of vacancies: 10
Registration fee: R$200.00
Date of the written test: November 29th 2016
Interview for the approved ones in the written test: December 7th 2016
Publication of the final results: December 16th 2016
Residency Program beginning: March 1st 2017

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