Thursday, 29 April 2021 14:59

Hypertension: over 30% of Brazilians are affected by the disease

Hipertensão Arterial mais de 30% dos brasileiros são afetados pela doença.jpg

Prevention, identification and early treatment are important allies to reduce mortality from cardiovascular causes. Photo: Igor Baggio.

The heart is one of the main organs of the human being, which deserves attention and care. In order to bring information to the population, the National Day of Prevention and Fight against Hypertension was created. Celebrated on Monday (26), the date aims to raise awareness among Brazilians about the importance of prevention, early diagnosis and proper treatment.

According to the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (BSC), about 35% of Brazilians live with the disease, which is still responsible for more than ten million deaths per year worldwide.

Prevention, identification and early treatment are important allies to reduce mortality from cardiovascular causes. According to the doctor invited by the Prati-Donaduzzi Pharmaceutical Industry, Dr. Eduardo Motti, hypertension can affect from children to elderly people.

“Hypertension is known to be silent, that is, it has no symptoms for a long time, until complications arise for the heart, kidneys, eyes or the nervous system. It is very important to measure blood pressure since childhood in order to make the diagnosis as soon as possible”.


Hypertension can be related to 80% of the cases of stroke (stroke) and 60% of the cases of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Keeping a healthier eating habit and exercising are important points for controlling high blood pressure. The available medications contribute to the control of the disease, but they should always be indicated by medical professionals.

“Some people are more sensitive to salt than others and for them the overuse raises blood pressure, but in any case, the reduction in intake leads to improvement in hypertension. In addition, once the diagnosis of hypertension is made and the need for antihypertensive medication is evidenced, it must be taken continuously”, emphasizes Motti.


Check out some recommendations on how to avoid hypertension in times of a pandemic:

- Avoid smoking and excessive use of alcohol;

- Start or keep a balanced diet combined with physical activities;

- Meditation, yoga and other relaxation techniques also help to reduce anxiety and keep BP at controlled levels;

- For those who use medication, it is extremely important to carry out the treatment continuously.

* This content is elaborated by Prati-Donaduzzi pharmaceutical industry, with the aim of bringing more information about health to the population. The company also provides physicians with exclusive access to content on various pathologies, among other materials on the website:


Prati-Donaduzzi, a Brazilian pharmaceutical industry, is specialized and a benchmark in the development and production of generic drugs. Headquartered in Toledo, Western Paraná, it produces approximately 12 billion therapeutic doses per year and generates more than 4,500 employments. The industry has one of the largest generic drug portfolios in Brazil and it has been working in the area of Medical Prescriptions since 2019.


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