Tuesday, 27 April 2021 10:36

Ideas that add value: Prati-Donaduzzi Group to recognize innovations proposed by employees

Prati Ideias. Foto Jéssica Dona.jpg

Collaborators Ricardo Nobile and Silvio Marcio Mioti discuss ideas in the workplace. Photo: Jéssica Dona.

Innovation is the main driver of sustainable development for companies and industries in the country. The challenge is to create an environment open to improvement and to have a qualified human capital to generate satisfactory results. Some initiatives promote a culture of innovation, such as Prati Ideias Program, which was developed by Prati-Donaduzzi Group some years ago.

In this project, over 4,500 employees find mechanisms and support to propose and implement ideas and improvements that add value to the company. More than implementing the proposals, Prati-Donaduzzi values ​​from the simplest to the most complex ideas. The Program is divided into the following segments: High impact, moderate impact and slight impact.

Every year the program financially recognizes the best ideas implemented. In the last edition, more than 20 ideas came out of the paper and brought innovative solutions to the company's processes and six of them were awarded.

One of them is by the collaborator Ricardo Nobile, who together with his team, presented an improvement in packaging used in the production process of medicines. “Our direct performance in the packaging area allowed us to have a look at changes and increase the productive performance of one of the medicines we manufacture the most,” he says.


The Group's Human Resources director, Diones Wolfart, explains that the success of Prati Ideias Program is linked to the company's culture of encouraging the generation of innovations. For him, each idea implemented, each proposed improvement results in wide gains, in operational efficiency for the company and for those who consume the medicines.

“People are in all sectors, processes and it is in the day-to-day, in the exchange of ideas that the possibilities for improvements and new concepts arise. We are only who we are, we have arrived where we are and we will go further in the coming years because we have a team walking together, focused on great results. When I see these improvements being proposed and implemented in the company, I am sure that we are aligned with a single objective: to work to produce health”.


The opportunity to propose ideas and improvements shows a history of belonging of all employees to Prati-Donaduzzi Group. For ideas to be recognized, they need to be innovative and linked to the company's strategic planning. Support from the management of employees is also necessary for the idea to be monitored and implemented. “Prati Ideias Program is in line with our mission in caring for the health of Brazilians, as any improvement here impacts the quality and efficiency of the products we deliver to the population”, concludes the director.


Prati-Donaduzzi, a Brazilian pharmaceutical industry, is specialized and a benchmark in the development and production of generic drugs. Headquartered in Toledo, Western Paraná, it produces approximately 12 billion therapeutic doses per year and generates more than 4,500 employments. The industry has one of the largest generic drug portfolios in Brazil and it has been working in the area of Medical Prescriptions since 2019.

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