Thursday, 12 November 2020 12:00

Prati-Donaduzzi Group offers remote training for employees with disabilities

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The meetings take place every week. Photo: Disclosure/Prati-Donaduzzi.  

Changes in people's routine were demanded in the face of the pandemic imposed by COVID-19. Technology has been an alternative to shorten distances and overcome limitations. When it comes to the job market, the adaptations were even greater and the People with Disabilities (PCDs) of Prati-Donaduzzi Group show that adversity is the time for new learning.

Through Prati Incluir project, developed by the Social Responsibility Department, virtual meetings are being held for PCDs. The moment becomes a connection with those who are working normally and also with those who, due to preventive health action due to the pandemic, were removed from work. The measure was the way found to be able to provide support to these employees, which previously used to happen in person.

Each meeting is carried out by an invited professional and aims to bring information and promote the exchange of ideas. “The PCD employee is able to perform activities that are very relevant to our work processes and more than that, they make a difference in the departments where they work. The training is designed to make them even more prepared and supported for their daily chores and also seeks to bring together, at this time, the many uncertainties we are experiencing”, says the company's Social Responsibility supervisor, Maria Rita Pozzebon.

Diego Querubim, who has been working at Prati for nine years, is a frequent participant in the meetings. “I love to follow the training and I always learn about new matters. In addition, I am proud of working at the company. I do my job with purpose”, he says.


All monitoring of the company for people with disabilities occurs through Prati Incluir project, which aims to allow inclusion and provide opportunities for work and personal and professional development. The initiative assists the employees and managers by contributing in a guiding and participatory manner in situations related to activities developed in the industry or personal relationships, with a humanized vision, always seeking to engage people with the company's mission.

Work with us

Prati-Donaduzzi Group has open positions for hiring people with disabilities for different areas and levels of education. Those interested can register their CV on the website: It is important while applying for the position to indicate which disability you have. For more information call at 45 2103-1200.


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