Thursday, 24 November 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi and Fasul carries out the Digital Inclusion Program graduation

Formatura PID.JPG

With purple graduation gowns and striking smiles. That's how 87 young people graduated from the Digital Inclusion Program (PID) at the Toledo Municipal Theater on Friday (18th). The project is developed by the partnership between Prati-Donaduzzi Pharmaceutical Industry and Sul Brasil University (Fasul), since 2010.
PID aims to provide knowledge for initiation in the labor market. So far, 900 people have already received the training, which is offered free of charge to the community of Toledo and region. During the classes, several contents are approached such as English language, introduction to the pharmaceutical industry, oratory, curriculum development, among other subjects.
The Director of People Development and IT Departments at Prati-Donaduzzi, Carlos Francisco da Rosa, in his speech, talked about the educational actions that the company develops. "PID is one of the programs that Prati carries out each year focused on people education. This program enables young people the opportunity to leverage knowledge in various areas. The competition in the labor market is increasing more and more and you, PID students, leave here with a differential because you have completed this 140-hour course"
Representing Fasul at the event, Professor Gilmar José Camargo, reminded the graduates of the opportunity they had. "It is a phase of changes in your lives at the end of this stage, but never forget that knowledge must be used for the common good. If 87 students have finished this stage, it is due to the partnership of Prati-Donaduzzi and Fasul, which has been working well and allowing opportunities of training for many people”, he stated.
The president of Municipal Chamber in Toledo, Ademar Dorfschmidt, mentioned how much PID helps for the professional growth. "Toledo has many industries and Prati-Donaduzzi needs skilled labor for the job market. When we see this same industry already preparing young people for that path, it is very satisfying. For many of you who are graduating, today is just the beginning of a path full of opportunities”, he emphasized.
Wanessa Quadros is 15 years old and was a student of the program, she evaluated the course period as satisfactory. "I really enjoyed participating. It was an important opportunity, we learned about the job market, how to behave in job interviews, set up CV, among others. PID allowed me to get to know and learn about this, undoubtedly, it is a differential for the beginning of our career in the labor market”, she said.

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