Monday, 18 July 2016 21:00

Partnership with Prati-Donaduzzi and Senai carries out the technical course graduation


Formatura - Prati-Donaduzzi e Senai.JPG

The partnership signed for more than six years with Prati-Donaduzzi and the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) has allowed the graduation of more people in Technical Course of Pharmacy and Learning Programs, during the ceremony that was carried out on July 14, at Toledo Municipal Theater.
In total, six groups received certificates, they are: Learning in Industrial Electrician Group A, Learning in Maintenance Mechanic Group A, Learning in Administrative Assistence Group A,B and C and Pharmacy Technician Group D. Out of them, five were carried out in partnership with Prati-Donaduzzi, such is the case of Pharmacy Technician group, which graduated 38 people, out of those, 34 are the company´s employees.
The manager of Uniprati – Prati-Donaduzzi Corporate University, Rubia Pörsch, talked about  
her choice of studying. “For Prati-Donaduzzi, it is a pleasure to make part of your lives, helping the intellectual development of people is a reality in the company. The graduation is just another step that is concluded from an activity that required effort. Do not stop here, keep on fighting for your goals and the dreams you have, because you are able to do that”, she says.
Senai Director in all around Paraná, Marco Antônio Areias Secco, talked about the progress of Toledo and the companies that contribute for that. “If today these groups are graduating, it is due to the teachers, families and companies that bet on developing these people´s potential,  as it is the case of Prati-Donaduzzi, which is a partner of this idea and local encouraging. Senai has already graduated three million of people in Paraná and now you are added to this number”, he said.
The pharmacist and teacher, Dalnei Schaefer, was chosen as the Class Name and talked about that moment. “I am glad to be able to help with people development, by creating the possibility of increasing the theoretical knowledge allied to the practice and visualizing the evolution in every activity that is carried out. Being chosen as the class name has increased my responsibility, because not only does it represent the transmitted technical knowledge, but also the way I got to arouse the interest in the approached issues”, he emphasizes.
Young Apprentice, Daiane Thisen, has spent the whole period of learning at Transport and Logistics Department. “It was very good to spend this time at Prati-Donaduzzi, I made friends, co-workers, I got to know more about the work environment, I learned a lot, mainly about the tasks in the department I´ve worked”, she points out.
Aline Bandeira is an employee at Blister Packaging Department and graduated in Pharmacy Technician. In her opinion, the knowledge she has gotten during the course is evaluated in a very positive way. “I´ve learned a lot during the course, mainly about the equipment, drug preparation, among others. It was an opportunity that helped a lot my professional growth”, she says.

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