Sunday, 05 June 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi participates in the cleaning action of Cerro Corá Sanga

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Prati-Donaduzzi Environment Department Representatives participated on June 4th in a cleaning action of Cerro Corá Sanga, located between Carlos Barbosa and Parigot de Souza Avenues. The activity in celebration of World Environment Day – which is celebrated on June 5th – counted on the partnership of Municipal Environment Secretary, Novo Horizonte High School, Sanepar and São Jorge Locadora de Equipamentos.
“We had a hard work because a lot of trash was removed from the place. The action is a way of awareness for the whole community”, Prati-Donaduzzi environmental technician, Faneza de Oliveira emphasizes.
At that time, some native seedlings of “pau viola” were also planted around the springs. Pau viola is a pioneering arboreous species which has thin crowns and brownish trunk. The trees are used for reforestation in degraded areas and their fruits are consumed by several species of birds.

At the same day, it was carried out an action of Itinerant Ecoponto by Toledo City Hall, where residents of Jardim Tocantins and nearby neighborhoods had the opportunity of properly throwing out several wastes. “These actians avoid the pollution of the sanga and the town, since throwing out waste in inappropriate sites and in permanent preservation areas is an environmental crime by law and results in penalties”, Faneza says.

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