Wednesday, 18 March 2020 10:52

Women in prison in Toledo have job opportunities offered by Prati-Donaduzzi Group

Mulheres em espaço prisional de Toledo têm oportunidade de trabalho oferecida pelo grupo Prati-Donaduzzi Foto Jéssica Dona__ (2).jpg

Initially, four female prisoners work on the project. Photo: Jéssica Dona

The work is done manually. Attention, care and dedication are essential for the execution of the activity. Thus, it has been the routine of four women serving their sentences in the jail of the 20th Police Subdivision of Toledo (20th SDP). They are part of Colmeias project, created by the Prati-Donaduzzi Group with support from the Community Council, the Penitentiary Department (Depen) and the Association for the Protection and Assistance of Convicts (APAC).

The project offers some female prisoners the opportunity to work, the feeling of a new beginning and the incentive for social reintegration. They carry out a workday from Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 1 pm, and receive a payment for the activity and the penalty reduction, where for every three days worked, one is reduced. 

The group’s director, Victor Donaduzzi, conceived the proposal. “It all started when we visited a partner of ours who is already doing similar work. The support of the Social Responsibility Department allowed female prisoners to be involved. It is a project that has a positive impact on our society, as we actively collaborate to build a better and fairer society”, he says. 

Colmeia (Hive) is the name given to the material used inside the boxes where the medicines are stored. They aim to ensure the organization and integrity of the medicine, mainly ointment tubes and bottles. Centralpack - packaging company of Prati Group, cuts the sheets to the shape in a die-cutting equipment and the prisoners set up the hives at the police station. These hives are produced by Centralpack and then supplied to Prati-Donaduzzi, which uses them in the drug manufacturing process.


One of the women involved in carrying out the activities is excited about the results. "It is a job that brings rewards because in addition to occupying our time, it is important, because what we do helps people in receiving quality medicines". 

For those who participate, a job means many opportunities. The head of Toledo Public Prison, Aldecir José de Oliveira, highlights the benefits of the project for the female prisoners. “Serving a sentence is something that brings an enormous load of emotion because they are in a small space. The project comes to add, occupy the mind, consequently making them more relaxed”. 

Concern for people is part of the culture of the pharmaceutical industry. According to Prati-Donaduzzi's Social Responsibility supervisor, Maria Rita Pozzebon, projects like this one reinforce how much the company is concerned with generating opportunities. "The action reinforces Prati's policy of being involved in the actions of the community in which it operates".

Mulheres em espaço prisional de Toledo têm oportunidade de trabalho oferecida pelo grupo Prati-Donaduzzi Foto Jéssica Dona__ (1).jpg

The project encourages the opportunity for restarting. Photo: Jéssica Dona


Colmeias Project is still a pilot. Its differential is that it takes place inside a prison, while most of the social reintegration actions of prisoners are carried out in penitentiaries. After its total structuring, the company is studying the possibility of expansion to involve more women or even extend the proposal to other entities in Toledo. 

Other initiatives

Colmeias is the second project that Prati-Donaduzzi carries out at Toledo Police Station. Since 2010, Recomeçar project has also taken place in the space, a proposal that aims to train female prisoners with a focus on social reintegration, in addition to reducing criminal recidivism through lectures, craft workshops, classes from different segments, among others. Sesi Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) seal in Paraná has already recognized Recomeçar several times.


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