Thursday, 05 March 2020 10:45

Prati-Donaduzzi Industrial Pharmacy Residency Program to graduate the third group

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The pharmacists: Felipe Gomes, Lilian Ross, Paula Santos and Monalisa Teixeira have completed the Industrial Pharmacy Residency Program. Photo: Igor Baggio

Prati-Donaduzzi pharmaceutical industry, in partnership with the University of Western Paraná (Unioeste) - Campus of Cascavel, held the graduation of the third group of the Industrial Pharmacy Residency Program. The ceremony took place last Friday (28), in the Amphitheater of the educational institution.

The Program provides innovative and unique training in Brazil. Students experience academic knowledge combined with practice over two years in the largest producer of generic drugs in Brazil*.

Resident Monalisa Teixeira found in the program a great opportunity for her professional development. She came from Juazeiro do Norte, in Ceará, to Toledo, attracted by the specialization. “The immersion in the sectors of the industry has enabled a great knowledge. I am very happy to have concluded”, she emphasizes.

The newest specialist in Industrial Pharmacy, Lilian Ross, ensures that qualification is one of the major differentials in the curriculum. “The residency allowed me to choose a sector of activity. The experience of working in a pharmaceutical industry adds a lot of knowledge”.


In addition to celebrating the completion of an intense journey of studies and training, residents are more closely related to the pharmaceutical company, increasing the chances of a hiring. Some of them are hired by Prati-Donaduzzi as researchers.

“The aim is to train professionals qualified for the industrial reality and who can contribute to projects through the development of an entrepreneurial vision with a focus on innovation”, explains the coordinator of the Industrial Pharmacy Residency Program, Alyne Blasio.

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The ceremony took place last Friday (28th), at Unioeste Amphitheater. Photo: Igor Baggio


The Program is a teaching modality at postgraduate level, in the form of a lato sensu specialization, which is aimed at pharmacists. The weekly workload is 60 hours, considering that 12 are aimed at theoretical classes and 48 at in-service training at Prati-Donaduzzi, totaling 5,760 hours in the two years.



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