Monday, 08 August 2016 21:00

Prati-Donaduzzi signs partnership with SMEL for Pilates Project in Geriatrics

In order to provide the elderly a specific space for the free practice of pilates every week, Prati-Donaduzzi is a partner of Pilates Project in Geriatrics, initiative of the Sports and Leisure Municipal Secretary  (SMEL), through the “Idoso em Movimento” Program (Elderly in Motion Program), and the Physiotherapy Course of Paranaense University (Unipar). The launch of this new type of service will be on August 19th at 9:00 a.m at Arnoldo Bohnen Olympic Center, on Jardim Santa Maria.
The activities that work the body stretching, flexibility and balance, now take place on Tuesdays and Fridays with fixed groups in two places: Centro de Artes Marciais (Vila Industrial) and Arnoldo Bohnen Olympic Center (Jardim Santa Maria). Classes will be held from 9 to 10 a.m, on both days of the week.
In order to implement these actions, Prati-Donaduzzi sponsored  pilates balls which are customized with the company logo. According to the events analyst, Franciele Felin, by having this partnership, more elderly people might practice and know about pilates benefits. “Pilates works the body awareness, motor skills, concentration, cardiorespiratory rate and also increases the elderly self-esteem”, she explains.
According to the responsible for the project, Márcia Spies, through both service stands, it will be possible to hold the ground pilates and ball pilates workout, by providing the activity practice to more than 30 elderly people a week. “ On the other days of the week we will continue the project in an itinerant way at the Elderly Centers, so that the people can get to know about pilates, make a trial lesson”, she emphasizes.
Pilates Project in Geriatrics has been held in the city for two years and now it has the partnership with Prati-Donaduzzi. “It is essentially important to have a partner like Prati-Donaduzzi for the program, in order to increase the participation of people on pilates practices, to improve the elderly´s life quality by providing one more free practice option”, Márcia emphasizes.



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