Sunday, 07 August 2016 21:00

Medical Conference in Toledo discusses the suitable use of antibiotics

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On August 05th and 06th, doctors from Toledo and region had the opportunity of taking part in the 83rd Descentralized Multidisciplinary Medical Conference of Paraná Medical Association (AMP) and Toledo Medical Association (AMT). The meeting took place at Olinda Hotel and Events and during both days different issues were discussed, among them, the suitable use of antibiotics.
This issue was approached by the infectious disease specialist from Escola Paulista de Medicina of  São Paulo Federal University, Dr. Eduardo Alexandrino Servolo de Medeiros, who pointed out the problem of antibiotics use, as well as presenting guidelines for the treatment of the main community and hospital-associated infections.
Yet, the CRM-PR medical advisor, Dr. Afrânio Bernardes, talked about the rules for the accomplishment of medical advertising and about the informed consent form, essential prior to any medical act, where the clinical and surgical procedures that will be carried out are exposed in details and in simple words.
In addition, the expert in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Dr. Geruza Mara Hendges delivered a lecture on “Allergy to Milk Protein and Lactose Intolerance”. The data show that the number of cases related to allergy to cow´s milk protein has been increasing due to several factors, especially the environments related to nutrition, and affect about 8% of children and 4% of adults.

The Medical Conference aimed to bring to the country of Paraná issues for the medical regional  update. “The sharing by having information exchange among the professionals of several specialties makes all the difference on the daily lives of health care professionals who are in the country, making the standardization of the best practices easier”, states Dr. Leonardo Schmidt, AMT president and one of the event organizers.
The event had the support of the Corporate University of Paraná Medical Association, Paraná Medicine Regional Board, National System of Medical Assistance (Sinam-PR), Prati-Donaduzzi and Uniprime – PR.

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