Tuesday, 24 September 2019 07:55

More than 500 university students to visit Prati-Donaduzzi in 2019

Visita de Universidades. Prati-Donaduzzi. Foto. Jéssica Dona.JPG

University Students from Unila during a visit to the Warehouse

As a way of strengthening relationships with Universities, Prati-Donaduzzi Pharmaceutical Industry is visited every year by students who seek to know the industry that produces more generic drugs in Brazil *. 

From the beginning of the year until now, about 500 university students from the southern region got to know the company. By the end of 2019, about 300 students might still know the industry.  Even universities from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and Santa Catarina are included. 

The University Visiting Program manager, Robson Martins do Amaral, welcomed the 16 groups, which were already at Prati-Donaduzzi in 2019. “Each group is a joy. When they arrive at the company, they are very curious and every department they know, they get impressed. Receiving them and telling a little of our history is a source of pride”, he says. 

In the first activity, students attend an institutional presentation of the company, which brings market data, history, product portfolio, clients served, among others. Afterwards, they go for a visit to the technical areas. They know one of the drug production units, part of the Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) Department and the Warehouse - where the raw materials are stored. 

The company’s founding partner, Dr. Carmen Donaduzzi, who speaks about history, industry performance and opportunities, attends most of the visits. 


University students from Unila 

Last week, who visited Prati-Donaduzzi were the students of the Biotechnology course at the Federal University of Latin American Integration - Unila, based in Foz do Iguaçu. Professor Arthur Prudente tells how interesting the visit is. 

“Students find in such moments a correlation with what they experience in everyday life at the university. We teach them a lot of content. We talk about the professional market, but seeing how an industry works, its sectors, allows them to make a more focused professional choice”, says the professor. 

Who shares this learning opinion is student Felipe Pinto. In the 8th semester of the course, he says he learned a lot from the visit. “We could know about technologies the industry has, the company as a whole, and the entrepreneurship of its founders. All this, somehow broadens our thoughts and choices. It was very interesting to know Prati-Donaduzzi”, he reinforces. 


More visits

Universities that are interested in visiting the industry in 2020 can contact us by phone: (45) 2103-1121. One of the prerequisites is that the University has courses regarding the industry and a requirement for internship. 

*IQVIA MAT JUL/2019 PMB + NRC Doses Terapêuticas 



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