Friday, 06 September 2019 16:06

Prati-Donaduzzi to receive Sesi ODS 2019 Seal at Parana Level for the Eighth Time

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Employees, Adriane Ortiz Conde Kreozer and Maria Rita Pozzebon, during the event in Curitiba

For the eighth consecutive time, Prati-Donaduzzi Pharmaceutical Industry has received Sesi ODS Seal. The award was held on Thursday (5) at FIEP System Industry Campus in Curitiba. This year, Sesi ODS Award edition has received 386 entries from companies.

The Seal is a way of recognizing industries, companies, educational institutions and civil society organizations that work towards the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS). These actions shall contribute to the objectives and aims of Agenda 30 for Sustainable Development in Brazil.

This agenda is part of the international protocol signed in 2015 by 193 countries during the UN General Assembly. The Brazilian government made a commitment to pursue this by 2030. Thus, 17 goals were set and more than 169 goals that result in a global policy. The objectives are related to the promotion of actions aimed at health and well-being, quality education, reduction of inequalities, among others, always aiming at improvements in life quality.

The Social Responsibility Supervisor, Maria Rita Pozzebon, represented Prati-Donaduzzi at the event. “Seeing the company being recognized with the Seal for meeting its projects with sustainable development actions is a source of great pride. At the same time, it brings us energy to continue with these jobs that benefit and change the lives of so many people”, she explained.

In line with these goals, Prati-Donaduzzi undertakes more than eight projects involving both industry and community employees. Inside the company, we highlight the Safe Pregnancy Program, which guides employees, wives and daughters of employees during the gestational period. Yet, outside the company, we promote Recomeçar Project, which assists female prisoners from Toledo´s Police Detention. Such project focuses on social reintegration and the labor market.


Prati-Donaduzzi, the 100% capital Brazilian pharmaceutical industry is specialized in the development and production of generic drugs. Based in Toledo, western Paraná, Prati-Donaduzzi produces about 11.5 billion therapeutic doses per year and has about 4,300 employees. The company has one of the largest portfolios of generic drugs in Brazil* and aims to grow its sales and production capacity by 15% in 2019.

*IQVIA MAT JUL/2019 PMB + NRC Doses Terapêuticas


Read 1250 times Last modified on Tuesday, 17 September 2019 16:09