Sunday, 07 May 2017 21:00

Action of the "Sustainable Prati" is carried out with students of Funet


Children from four to five years old who are attending the full-time school at Fundação Educacional de Toledo (Funet), have recently participated in a special activity by Prati-Donaduzzi "Prati Sustentável" project team through the Environmental Department. The students learned by doing and also learned about the composting process and at the end of the activity received a ready-fertilizer packet.
According to the coordinator of Funet, Terezinha Pancotto, the purpose of the action was to complement the activities developed in the environmental education classes, which began this year. "It was a learning for us also this composting action and it was very good for the children to learn something that can be applied at home with organic waste, such as peels of vegetables and fruits”, she said.
The environmental technician of Prati-Donaduzzi, Faneza de Oliveira, explains that the project entered a new phase, with the objective of serving different audiences. "We created this demand for fully ludic activities also aimed at the public from four to five years old”, she said.

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